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Highlands School Elementary

Alice in

Wonderland Jr.

HCFF-Primary Logo-Film Noir & Spring Mint_edited.png
September 18 - 21, 2025
filmmakers with Drama, Comedy, Documentary,
Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Thriller and Action/Adventure short
films to apply.
Walter Chaw, Film Critic
and University of Colorado film professor

You can find his work in the New York Times, Washington Post, New York Post, LA Times, Criterion and various other publications. He is a frequent guest on NPR's "Pop Culture Happy Hour," and has authored books on the film Miracle Mile and the career of Walter Hill.
a top-of-the-line projection system, state-of-the-art presentation capability, and an experienced and enthusiastic team of technical specialists and volunteers.
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Companies in Residence

The Resident Companies of the Highlands Performing Arts Center are independent 501C3 organizations. These organizations rent space from the Performing Arts Center and have sole responsibility over their productions.


Take of tour of the new facility.


After five years of planning and two of construction, our beautiful, new, state-of-the-art theatre is here.

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Theatre Goers Are Loving the PAC!

John Z.



Outstanding theater venue.....without a doubt, the best facility in western North Carolina, and arguably one of the best in the state.

Matthew E.



One of the best small theaters in America for certain. Everything from National Theatre, to bluegrass, to comedy, to a great drama, This town has it all and the Performing Arts Center is the jewel of the town.

LouAnn J.



It was an excellent way to enjoy theatre without having to travel to New York City or London!!


This website is sponsored in part by an advertising grant from Visit Highlands and the Highlands Chamber of Commerce.

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